maine construction company

RSU #39 Banner Hanging

We think that our partners and subcontractors are pretty awesome! It takes a village to build a school and our project in Caribou is a HUGE undertaking. We could not accomplish such things without our friends. Thank you to the following businesses for working with us to make sure that Eastern Aroostook RSU 39 gets an amazing new educational facility.

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photo of one merchant plaza building

Bowman Constructors Hired to Renovate New Home for CES in Downtown Bangor

photo of one merchant plaza buildingBANGOR, MAINE – Sky Villa, LLC., the Hampden based development company, has announced that Bowman Constructors has been hired to complete renovations at One Merchants Plaza in downtown Bangor.

“I’m proud that Bowman Constructors will be completing the renovations at One Merchants Plaza,” said David St. Germain, owner of Sky Villa LLC. “I am eager to have the major construction concluded to welcome CES, Inc. into their new headquarters and for all of the building improvements done that benefit all of the building tenants.”

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